
Sunday, December 25, 2011

How big is big - How small is small - What is normal - How do I compare?

Penis size comparison The number of "penis size" articles on the internet is absolutely incredible. This blog tries and shows how to correctly find out the best fitting condom. But this time, I would like to spend some time on this subject to have men stop worrying about it.

As we saw previously (, the average erect penis dimensions are as follow:
  • average erect penis circumference: 121.67mm +-13.34mm (4.79in +-0.53in)
  • average erect penis length (remember to press the pubic bone with your ruler): 147.64mm +-19.78mm (5.81in +-0.78in). 
By comparing the results of 50 scientific studies conducted since 1942, which between them have measured 11 531 penises, a review published in the BJU International demonstrated the average erect penis length to be 14 to 16cm (5.5 to 6.3in) and circumference to be 12 to 13cm (4.7 to 5.1in).

The scientific community considers that any penis fitting within the mean + or - 2 standard deviations is perfectly normal. As an example, the condom sizes start at 45 or 47mm, which, at minimum, corresponds to the mean erect circumference minus 2 standard deviations (94.99mm).

From the above definition, more than 95% of the penises can be considered normal. And 2/3 of the penises are average (+ or - one standard deviation).

Please find below the corresponding charts to the erect penis girth (circumference) and length:

Graphically, this translates as follows:

Very small Small Average Big Very big
108mm X 95mm 128mm X 108mm 148mm X 122mm 167mm X 135mm 187mm X 148mm

Almost all penises are normal, and the great majority is average!

There is no excuse anymore to be worried! There are also different shaped condoms out there to suit those who want more "head room", a tighter grip on the shaft, or a flared shape, for example. Check out this Condom Size Calculator for help.

Now, instead of focusing so much on size, depending on the type of penis you have, you may feel the need to adapt your behaviour and strategy (provided that love, care, attention to your partner should already be what really matters).

For a bit of fun, I invite you to go to this page which happens to have a fairly good estimate of the averages:
Your trouser snake

Wylie, K.; Eardley, I. (2007). "Penile size and the 'small penis syndrome'". BJU international 99 (6): 1449–1455
Penile size and the 'small penis syndrome'

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Condom and penis size table applied to the CAS index - a tribute to Condomerie

Correspondence between CAS and Penis size The old saying is, women don't have penis envy, men do. And widespread pornography may have distorted the male self-image, as well as the poor marketing strategies used by condom makers, competing with the not nearly as adapted paradigm "SMALL, STANDARD, LARGE, XL".

Let's come back a bit to the bra analogy. Here, there is not such a concept. Bras are classified by objective numbers, and even if it is not as perfect as it could be, women choose bras, based on this measuring system.

Condomerie in Netherlands has created such a system, by first removing the hard measures (length, circumference) and replacing it with a circumference / length ranking: The CAS index (which stands for Condomerie Amsterdam Standard index). This should do the trick by removing a great deal of anxiety, especially among youngsters. Please go here for the full explanation: Condomerie CAS Index

Actually, the CAS index is even more accurate, as it takes into account:

- the condom circumference at the opening,
- the condom circumference at 7cm from the opening,
- the thickness of the condom wall,
- the condom length.

The CAS is then laid down this way: CAS 2 / 2 /.. / D, with letters, dots and numbers following the matching rule explained on the Condomerie web site. 

I propose to match the CAS, which ranks condoms based on objective criteria, with the erect penis circumference (to simplify, I will take into account only the opening circumference of the condom).

Here is a simplified matching table between condom CAS and penis size:

Find your erect penis circumference in the proposed ranges, and simply pick the CAS and/or condom sizes that fit you well.
For example, a man with an erect penis circumference of 5.2in could use any condom whose CAS index is 7. A man with an erect penis circumference of 127mm could use any condom whose CAS index is 6.

Of course, the determination of the erect penis length would be necessary to complete the CAS index:
If the erect penis is e.g. 155mm and given that the condom thickness is standard at 0.06mm, the CAS would become for our last example CAS: 6 / 6 / .. / D

Friday, October 7, 2011

Condom Size Chart: a condom fit for everyone

Condoms by size Below the condom size chart where different examples of condom trade marks are listed:
Condom size Example of condom brand

This is typically the condom size for teenagers.
For example, the site has a tool available to determine the penis girth distribution by age. At 15 years old, an erect penis of 9cm is located above roughly 49% of the 15 years old population and below 51%, which is absolutely normal.
This condom size, the smallest available on the market, will be the best fit for erect penis circomferences from 90mm to 103mm.
It can be used safely and confortably up to a 108mm erect penis circumference.

This condom size will be the best fit for penises of an erect circumference from 104mm to 108mm but can be used from 104mm to 112mm.
NB: Of course, if a 45mm size condom is not available, this size can be used for an erect penis circumference of 94mm and above. But please be careful, the closer the condom size and the erect penis circumference, the higher the risk of slippage...

This condom size will be the best fit for penises of an erect circumference from 109mm to 114mm but can be used from 108mm to 117mm.

This condom size can be used for an erect penis circumference from 110mm to 120mm.

This condom size can be used for an erect penis circumference from 113mm to 122mm.

This is the standard condom size in UE.
This condom size can be used for an erect penis circumference from 115mm to 124mm. But the best fit would be for erect penises with a circumference of 115mm to 120mm.

This is the standard condom size in US.
This condom size can be used for an erect penis circumference from 117mm to 127mm. But the best fit would be for erect penises with a circumference of 117mm to 122mm.

The Ansell - Manix King Size is a regular shape condom.

As you realised, with the 54 condom size comes the marketing principle of LARGE, XL, MAGNUM. But in reality these are perfectly normal condoms.

This condom size can be used for an erect penis circumference from 119mm to 129mm. But the best fit would be for erect penises with a circumference of 119mm to 124mm.

This condom size can be used for an erect penis circumference from 121mm to 132mm. But the best fit would be for erect penises with a circumference of 121mm to 126mm.

Trojan magnums are not regular shaped:
  • Head Width: 60mm
  • Shaft Width: 56mm
  • Base Width: 56mm
They have a slightly conic shape. To be used by whoever has an erect penis circumference which is not below 114mm along the shaft (for extra safety). But theoretically, the base width determines the condom size, i.e. 54.

Trojan magnums XL are not regular shaped:

  • Head Width: 65mm
  • Shaft Width: 56mm
  • Base Width: 56mm
They have a conic shape. To be used by whoever has an erect penis circumference which is not below 114mm along the shaft (for extra safety). The penis head should not be below 130 mm circumference when erect. But theoretically, the base width determines the condom size, i.e. 56.

This condom size can be used for an erect penis circumference from 124mm to 134mm. But the best fit would be for erect penises with a circumference of 124mm to 128mm.

With the 57 condom size come the real large condoms. The average erect penis is too small to fit safely in such a condom. It is the responsibility of each individual to choose objectively its condoms, with safety in mind first.

This condom size can be used for an erect penis circumference from 126mm to 136mm. But the best fit would be for erect penises with a circumference of 126mm to 131mm.

This condom size can be used for an erect penis circumference from 128mm to 139mm. But the best fit would be for erect penises with a circumference of 128mm to 133mm.

Here we enter the area of the very large condoms.
They fit the biggest 20% of the population.

This condom size can be used for an erect penis circumference from 132mm to 144mm. But the best fit would be for erect penises with a circumference of 132mm to 138mm.

There is only a 6.4% market for these condoms, as the individuals who have an erect penis of this size are rare.

This condom size can be used for an erect penis circumference from 141mm to 153mm. But the best fit would be for erect penises with a circumference of 141mm to 147mm.

This is the biggest available condom size. Only 4% of the population can potentially wear such a condom. And only 1.1% can do safely!

For every penis size above 152mm.


Sunday, October 2, 2011

Detailed condom / penis size perfect fit chart

Condom perfect fit The below chart reports the ratio between the erect penis circumference and the condom size, for every erect penis circumference to be met in the population and for the different condom sizes to be found in stores or internet.

To find specific condoms with dimensions offered, visit this Condom Size Calculator

This chart has the following entries:
- condom size (column header)
- erect penis circumference (row header)

On top of it, the condom size proposed best fit has been added as well as the cumulative repartition of the population by circumference (last 2 columns).

For example, a man with a 115mm erect penis circumference (30th percentile of the population) should wear a condom of 50mm. But he could wear a 49mm condom for extra safety, or a 52mm for extra comfort. 53 or 54mm would present an important risk of slippage and are not advised in this case.

A man with a 125mm erect penis circumference (60th percentile of the population) should wear a condom of 55mm. But he could wear any condom from 53mm to 56mm.

A man with a 135mm erect penis circumference (85th percentile of the population) should wear a condom of 60mm. But he could wear any condom from 57mm to 60mm.

So please, use this chart to preselect you condom size, depending on your own erect penis circumference. Please keep in mind that if other factors vary such as the thickness of the rubber for example, the proposed condom sizes could become not so relevant anymore.

Determination of a correct measuring system - what condom size should I use?

Condom and penis size match As explained by Gerofi (, the condom effectiveness depends on a number of factors, of which the three most important are:

1. The condom should be used
2. The condom should not break
3. The condom should not slip off during use.

The actual pressure and force on the penis depends on the relative circumferences of the penis and condom, the thickness of the rubber, and its elastic modulus.

So the thickness of the rubber and its elastic modulus being constant, the determination of the correct size depends only on the ratio between the penis and condom circumference. It has to be so that it is not unduly stretched (not comfortable), nor too loose (the pressure from the condom on the penis is not high enough, and the condom will slip).

The text below from the Condomerie Web site (Condomerie CAS Index) proves the consensus in the scientific community:

The most important thing when looking for the best fit is the condom's circumference. A condom that's too large can easily slip off, but a condom that is too tight is uncomfortable and the risk of tearing is greater. The length of the condom isn't as important, but should be as close to the length of the penis as possible. The condom's thickness and elasticity can also make it less or more comfortable.

Below is the chart of circumference ratios for the actual existing condom sizes:**
*The condom size is often called the diameter, but in fact it is the semi-perimeter (width when flat). A 53mm condom is in fact a condom of 106mm circumference (33.74mm diameter).
**Each line of the chart corresponds to the ratio between the condom circumference and the average circumference of the scientific study.
The chart shows that a man with a 122mm circumference erect penis (Janssen study average) can use safely condoms of sizes 52, 53, 54 and 55. With a 52 one, it will be safer (no slippage risk whatsoever), but not as comfortable as a 55 one (but more risk of slippage).

This chart proves at least one thing: the manufacturers perfectly know the average erect penis circumference, because their standard size (52-53) are a perfect fit for the "standard" penis. Indeed following Gerofi analysis, the perfect ratio ranges between 10% and 20%.

Below 10%, the risk of slippage increases slowly until 5% then drastically. Especially because the erect penis is not always at its maximum erection level (level often measured by men).
Above 20%, discomfort feeling increases until 30% where the risk of breakage increases.

Following the same rule, here is a simplified matching table between condom and penis size:
Find your erect penis circumference in the proposed ranges, and simply pick the condom sizes that fit you well.
For example, a man with an erect penis circumference of 5.2in could use any condom whose size is between 2.20 and 2.36in (flat width). A man with an erect penis circumference of 127mm could use any condom whose size is between 54 and 57mm (flat width).

Anthony M A Smith, Damien Jolley, Jane Hocking, Kim Benton and John Gerofi." 8 444-447
M Reece, D Herbenick, B Dodge. "Penile dimensions and men’s perceptions of condom fit and feel".

The simple truth about erect penis circumference

Average erect penis circumference Here is an example of irrelevant and misleading information:

Just under three thousand (2,936) men took part in a DUREX survey – most of them under 25 – from all over the world. They self-reported their erect length and circumference. Both length and circumference vary quite widely but, in each case, there is an average value and in this survey they were 163 mm (6.4 inches) for erect length and 133 mm (5.2 inches) for erect circumference.

This is typical of surveys released publicly with absolutely no scientific background nor interest. Why then? It is unclear why manufacturers would release such information.

Below you will find a collection of true scientific studies, ie. anybody can re-produce it following the exact same protocols.
* Are included in the scientific average only the studies where the medical staff did the measuring or ensured a proper training.
** The average erect circumference was extrapolated from the measured erect width considering the penis is a cylinder.

So basically, true scientific studies, where medical staff are conducting, training and often performing the measurement, come short of up to 1cm (0.4in) compared with non-scientific internet surveys.

NB: I didn't report data for length as it is not really relevant for choosing the right condom. As an example though, the Wessel Study came up with the following results: Erect length: 128.9mm (sd 29.1mm), fat pad : 28.5mm (sd 15.9mm), Functional erect length (Erect length non pubic bone pressed plus fat pad): 157.4mm (sd 26.2mm). This last result is consistent with the Kinsey data. To finish with erect penis length, the average (obtained by pressing the ruler on the pubic bone) from the scientific studies* above, is 147.64mm (sd 19.78mm).

So the real average erect circumference, or average erect penis girth, is around 121-123 mm.

See here for further details:

The average erect penis girth may be even smaller than previously thought

Wessells H, Lue TF, McAninch JW. Penile length in the flaccid and erect states: guidelines for penile augmentation. J Urol 1996; 156: 995-997.
Janssen. "Penile Circumference Variability - in a Dutch Sample (1994)". Faculty of Psychology University of Amsterdam.
Schneider T, Sperling H, Lummen G, Syllwasschy J, Rubben H. "Does penile size in younger men cause problems in condom use? A prospective measurement of penile dimensions in 111 young and 32 older men". Urology 2001; 57: 314-318.
da Ros C. "Caucasian penis: what is the normal size?". J Urol 1994; 151: 323A.
Richard Harding, M.Sc. and Susan E. Golombok, Ph.D."Test-Retest Reliability of the Measurement of Penile Dimensions in a Sample of Gay Men"

Other references:
Penile Size and Penile Enlargement Surgery: A Review: Penile Size

condom manufacturers message and customer expectations inadequacy

The title says it all and is the reason why I decided to write.

All men - thus women - were, are or will be condom users.
Men then face the same situation women do when buying bras. Unfortunately, the comparison stops here:
- Where women buy and wear bras based on straight facts (band and cup size with a pretty precise yet tricky way), men have no opportunity to use a correct measuring system. The Amsterdam condom shop Condomerie is trying to set a measuring sytem for condoms, but it is far from being widely applied and still has some drawbacks.
- Men are not as mature as women. It seems so difficult for men to face objectively the truth: either small, standard or big, men tend to try to fit their penises in the biggest possible condoms, with all associated risks of slippage...
- Condom manufacturers use this as a marketing weapon in two different ways:
     - Use a non harmonized label system where the use of words like LARGE, XL, Extra-Large... surf on the men's lack of self-estim and confidence.
     - They do not tell the truth about penis size, thus reinforcing the impression of many men, especially the younger ones, that they "do not fit".

Because of all these reasons, I will try to import some objective figures into this subject, especially about erect penis circumference, and propose a way to determine the best fitting condom size.