
Sunday, December 25, 2011

How big is big - How small is small - What is normal - How do I compare?

Penis size comparison The number of "penis size" articles on the internet is absolutely incredible. This blog tries and shows how to correctly find out the best fitting condom. But this time, I would like to spend some time on this subject to have men stop worrying about it.

As we saw previously (, the average erect penis dimensions are as follow:
  • average erect penis circumference: 121.67mm +-13.34mm (4.79in +-0.53in)
  • average erect penis length (remember to press the pubic bone with your ruler): 147.64mm +-19.78mm (5.81in +-0.78in). 
By comparing the results of 50 scientific studies conducted since 1942, which between them have measured 11 531 penises, a review published in the BJU International demonstrated the average erect penis length to be 14 to 16cm (5.5 to 6.3in) and circumference to be 12 to 13cm (4.7 to 5.1in).

The scientific community considers that any penis fitting within the mean + or - 2 standard deviations is perfectly normal. As an example, the condom sizes start at 45 or 47mm, which, at minimum, corresponds to the mean erect circumference minus 2 standard deviations (94.99mm).

From the above definition, more than 95% of the penises can be considered normal. And 2/3 of the penises are average (+ or - one standard deviation).

Please find below the corresponding charts to the erect penis girth (circumference) and length:

Graphically, this translates as follows:

Very small Small Average Big Very big
108mm X 95mm 128mm X 108mm 148mm X 122mm 167mm X 135mm 187mm X 148mm

Almost all penises are normal, and the great majority is average!

There is no excuse anymore to be worried! There are also different shaped condoms out there to suit those who want more "head room", a tighter grip on the shaft, or a flared shape, for example. Check out this Condom Size Calculator for help.

Now, instead of focusing so much on size, depending on the type of penis you have, you may feel the need to adapt your behaviour and strategy (provided that love, care, attention to your partner should already be what really matters).

For a bit of fun, I invite you to go to this page which happens to have a fairly good estimate of the averages:
Your trouser snake

Wylie, K.; Eardley, I. (2007). "Penile size and the 'small penis syndrome'". BJU international 99 (6): 1449–1455
Penile size and the 'small penis syndrome'


  1. I was just wondering, when you said the BJU reviewed 50 studies and found the AVG to be 5.5-6.3, is that pressing to the pubic bone also like when you said

    "average erect penis length (remember to press the pubic bone with your ruler): 147.64mm +-19.78mm (5.81in +-0.78in)"

  2. It is usually by slightly pressing the pubic bone.After all the purpose is not to measure how fat you are...

  3. Well you cant get a longer measurement by pressing harder against bone. Bone is bone it doesnt depress, so by pressing the fat pad they must be depressing the entire thing. Is that confirmed in their review that it was done this way, or is it just assumed?

  4. Most are confirmed:
    Wessels study is at 128.9mm non bone pressed and 157.4 bone pressed
    Schneider study was bone pressed at 144.8mm.

    But Wessels conducted the measurement and pushed hard on the bone to evaluate the fat pad.
    In Schneider study, the men did their own measuring in lab after training to slightly push on the bone.

    But this is not important. Few mm more or less are of no interrest and no consequence.

  5. I just cant believe this. So you are claiming that 5.8 BONE pressed is the average? Meaning anything above 6.6 BONE Pressed is big? Doesn't that seem a little small?

  6. No, I am not claiming anything. I report what science says abouelieve or t it. Either you believe or not is not important. Neither is the actual real length. They are given for general purpose and information. I thought giving such info would dedramatize the subject, and I end up thinking of removing it.

    I repeat this site is about condom size and how to find a fitting condom.

    The penis size is mostly not important, especially for women and this trend to focus mainly on penis size simply reflect:
    1- how much men feel insecure about it,
    2- how men ignore what is really important for women.

    Please giveme a break...

  7. I really agree using condoms when having sex. Condom comes in differenrt sizes..

  8. this is an interesting article - lol, has the person describing the measurements as 'small' actually taken measurements?

    1. No.

      I just used the average +/- 1 standard deviation and +/- 2 SD...

  9. so what do u get if its 8??? im confused with condom buyin

    1. 8 what? cm? in?

      The condom size is defined as half the condom circumference.
      And the condom circumference should always be smaller than the erect penis circumference to ensure a good grip. Depending on the condom producer, the penis circumference should be at least 10% bigger than the condom circumference (and between 10 and 20%).

  10. I would like to ask questions if possible. When measured from the pelvic bone, the length of my erect penis is 8.25 inches. The girth measurement, taken by wrapping a string around it, and measuring its length usually falls anywhere between 5.5 inches - 6 inches. I'm realizing from your chart that my Length exceeds average size more than my girth, and most condom sizes I've found are proportionate. What would you suggest for condoms, since the majority that would fit the girth do not fit the length?

    1. Erect penis length is not important.
      Most women could not accommodate a 21cm (8in+) penis anyway. So having a condom covering your entire penis is not crucial in this case.

      I simply believe you ask this sort of question because it makes you feel better. In case of a gigantic penis, such as yours (you pretend so), buy the biggest possible condom, as none will really fit perfectly. They will all feel short and snug (except TheyFit, Coripa and MySize).

    2. Haha!
      Take it eazy sir, you don't know what the guy thinks or what his intentions are... his question was rather well stated w/o bragging plus i actually came to this website to find out the same thing he asked (i'm definitely not as long as he is though ;)

      nwa, ur site helped me out... the condoms i've been wearing have been uncomfortably tight and with the help of this site i was able to determine the exact range in mm is should buy

  11. I don't have to pretend, or feel better because most girls don't care about size anyways. (Also why I am posting as anonymous). Having a condom that is too short increases the risk of STD's. So I was curious, as I've not experimented enough with condoms to determine this information. Most standard size condoms fit snug, almost to the point of discomfort. I've researched this some, and it seems that the majority of condoms that would fit a length of 7.5+ inches, fit a width of about 6.5 inches... which could potentially cause the condom to slip in my case. I've decided to try Trojan Magnums. I will see how it works out. I'm still a little unsure why you have decided to criticize me when I ask a pointed question that relates to your blog topic - but none the less, thanks for your input and information that you've provided.

    1. Trojan Large should do the trick. Generic condoms were too small (mainly too narrow)for my boyfriend, but Trojan Large (green and white wrapper) are fine

      And a girl who is sufficiently aroused CAN take all or most of 8"

  12. lol noone wants a 7 inch penis thats not "very large"

  13. every man expect a big penis.but I think everyone should be happy with his own penis.

  14. I am having a 7.6 inch BPEL,7 inch NBPEL and 5.1 inch erect is it considered big?

    1. You are very big in length and average in circumference.
      So the answer is yours. But do you frankly believe it is of any interest? The day you find love, do you think she will be interested in it?

  15. I jus wanna know at what angle should ure penis be facing when measuring it, when i leave it erect and in its natural stance(which is a slightly downward facing angle) i get a bone pressed measurement of 13 cm, but when i face the penis parallel to the ground i get around 11.8 to 12 cm measurement. Which method of measuring is the more correct?

    1. The correct one is when the penis is parallel to the ground.

  16. Hi, I have very small penis. It measured only 10cm or 4 inch long and about 3 inch in circumference. I want to know, why my penis is so small.
    When I use condom, it often comes out from my penis while doing intercourse. It is very embarrassing in front of the partner. Any condom makers make condom for very small penis?

    1. Yes, it is very small. But it is not abnormal. You've got plenty enough to pleasure the woman of your heart.

      Concerning condom, TheyFit provide a 41mm width condom, which should provide you a great service.

    2. Thanks a lot. Appreciate your advice.

  17. Agreed with you every dick need different size of condom .. some asian need the small condom to fit their dick .

    1. There is no proven difference between races...

    2. This is your point of view, but nowhere will you find scientific facts to back up your ideas.

      I would suggest you be careful with such way of thinking which consists in believing particular cases or personal experience makes a general law/statement. The door is wide open to big mistakes...

  18. I wanna know something, when i measure my manhood just how exactly will i be able to get the full length of the penis because as i said in a previous post my dick is slightly slanted downwards. When i bring it up to be parallel from the floor i lose about 0.7 cm in length but this is only when i face the ruler such that its side is facing upwards but placed exactly at the middle of the penis. But when i place the ruler flat on the penis i get a reading of about 13 cm bone pressed. I just want to say that the latter method hurts though. But in your honest opinion which method of using the ruler is the most acceptable when measuring the penis?

    1. I would recommend that you try and concentrate on other more important subjects.
      At 13cm bone pressed, you are already average in length, and the vast majority of women will not care a single second of the size of your Willy. Instead, she will be expecting care from you, she will want to feel that you are ready to do anything to give her pleasure and make her feel good.

      BTW, I would say the latter method is the correct one.

  19. this chart is surprising... I'm 17 and almost always been the smallest in my class and I have the penis measurement of 17cm which is big?

    1. Yes, you are 17. Your question reflects your age... I remind you that this blog is NOT about penis size.

  20. I have a question. I must first say that you have done a remarkable thing for many males who are afraid of their length and girth and provided them with information that makes them feel more confident with themselves. The Question I have regards length as well as circumference. I was wondering how you knew that the bone pressed average was used in the 50 studies that found the AVG to be 5.5-6.3? I was also curious why girth was not measured at the thickest point of the penis, which for me is the base of the penis?

    1. Really this is of no importance.
      Anyway, NBP length is roughly 13cm (around 5in):
      - 12.9cm in US Wessells study (
      - 13.01cm and 12.93cm in indian study (
      - 13cm in UK TheyFit condom manufacturer (
      These are of very good quality (for different reasons, either because they have been performed by scientist in a controlled environment or because they involve thousands of people who have no reason to cheat).

      The rest of the studies are almost all one inch above:
      - 15.74cm in US Wessels bone pressed (yeah, fat men),
      - 14.48cm in German study (written in study it is obtained by pressing on the pubic bone)
      - and many self reported studies at 6in length

      Furthermore, there is a strong correlation between stretched flaccid length and erect length. and stretched length is between 12 and 13cm...

      Concerning girth, methods vary greatly between studies:
      - either mid-shaft
      - or at the thickest part
      - or even by averaging the results of three measurements at the base, mid-shaft and at the tip of the glans.
      As far as condom size is concerned, it is calculated at 7cm from the opening of the condom (the measuring point for manufacturers), so basically mi-shaft with a 13cm penis...

  21. Thank you. I just want you to know that you are right that penis length does not matter, but what seems to be the problem is that men are pressured through porn, locker room visits , and worst of all from women to have big penises. I have a 6.375 in. bone pressed penis in length and a 4.875 in. in girth, but the sex toys that they sell to women are at minimum 7 in. which is what causes such a fear among men.

    1. Not true.
      Women do not pressure. They want men to be dedicated to their pleasure and simply dont care about penis size. Some women may care but most won't. Some women do not want hairy men, fat men, thin men... After all one size does not fit all!!!

      Concerning length of sex toys, they are maybe 7in, but don't forget they have to be kept in hand to please, so the "usable" length is closer to 5-6in, which appear to be the average penis length....

      And most toys are 4.5-5in in girth, which appear to be the average penis girth. Bigger toys are sold as "large", "wide", "big", "especially girthy"...

  22. my penis size is 4 inches... m worried ab my size...
    is there any method to incerase my lenght n circumference...
    also i want to ask u with my current size what size condom is apropriate

    1. Go here and input your erect penis girth:
      You will know your size.

      Methods to increase / improve penis size: a medical advice

  23. The Wessells data shows a "mean" Erect Length of 5.07" + Fat Pad Depth of 1.12" for what they call a Functional Length (BPEL) of 6.20". That is misleading though, as participants were broken out into younger or older than 40 yrs old, to account for increasing fat pad depth as men age. Looking at the mean data by age group we come up with:
    < 40 yrs old = 5.24" Erect Length(NBPEL) + 0.70" Fat Pad = 5.94" Functional Length (BPEL)
    > 40 yrs old = 4.83" Erect Length(NBPEL) + 1.20" Fat Pad = 6.04" Functional Length (BPEL)

    Some quotes from the body of the paper:
    - "Measurements were made of the erect length from the pubo-penile skin junction to the meatus, circumference at mid-shaft, and the fat pad depth."
    - "Functional penis length was defined as the sum of the erect length plus the fat pad depth."

    1. Already published and answered here on 2013 January 3rd:

  24. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. To make things clear, this blog is about condom size fitting. Not penis size and personal beliefs of bloggers. the previous comment has therefore been deleted.

  25. I wish my husband would see and realize he has a big cock

    1. Well it is quite often the case with men who lack confidence in themselves...

      Say hello to your superhero!

  26. So i am 14cm stretched and 13cm erect, is this normal? Also you have gathered up alot of studies, can you mind me asking what you personally believe the average erect length and girth is from what you've researched? Thanks in advance :)

  27. Yes, it is normal.
    I believe the average is the one found by researchers. But it is not important per se.

    1. Mint blog dude, and can't believe you haven't monatized it. Dedication man :P

  28. my size 198 mm
    & 100 mm which condom useful

    1. Please refer to this table we made of penis to condom size ration
      As for mainstream brands, you might want to try Durex Sensi Thin or Trojan Supra. Both are slightly thinner width than average but with plenty of length. Size comparisons from here:

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    1. We don't allow commenters to drop in advertising links. For that reason, this comment was deleted.
