A blog designed to address the condom size issue in regards to the erect penis circumference.
The goal is to propose a perfect fit and match between the erect penis circumference and the condom size used.
The Condom Size Wizard or how to find the right condom size
NB: this tool is only a general guideline. In case a condom company provides specific instructions about the condom and erect penis size correspondence, please follow them.
The Condom Size Test
A very informative, serious and nice web site exists about sex advice in general and penis and condom size information in particular:
"Sexperience from Channel 4 provides sex advice based on people's real experiences with questions and answers about better sex, virginity, pregnancy, STIs, contraception and more. The journalist uses a doctor's service as a scientific backing.
Not only does it try and succeed in having men and teenagers less worried about their penis size, but it also manages to explain clearly how to choose the correct condom size. This is done with the help of a nice and funny video: