
Sunday, October 7, 2012

TheyFit measurement fitting: great idea

After Condomerie, and other companies like Vinico, TheyFit created a tool to help people choosing the correct condom size.

3 easy steps:
  1. Measure your erect penis
  2. Enter the obtained values and get your condom size thanks to the TheyFit circumference code
  3. Fill in the code to order your fitting condoms

There is also a refinement. One can choose his own fitting style:

In order to know which erect penile girths correspond to each TheyFit girth code, you will find below a chart reporting, for each fitting style, and each TheyFit code:
  • The condom size (nominal lay flat width - or half circumference), 
  • The minimum and maximum advised erect penis circumference 
  • The corresponding condom stretch

One can easily notice that the linear relationship between condom and erect penis size is broken. This is explained by two main facts:
  1. the elastic modulus tends to decrease with the increase in quantity of latex (when the condom size increases, the condom stretches more easily).
  2. TheyFit modifies its latex formula (recipe) depending on the condom circumference.

This has been brilliantly explained by Gerofi:

The actual pressure and force on the penis depends on the relative circumferences of the penis and condom, the thickness of the rubber, and its elastic modulus.
In the normal domain of use, the latex elastic modulus can be considered as constant, which in turn, gives a linear relationship between condom and penis girth: the force to apply is directly proportional to the increase in circumference.

What TheyFit does is input ammonia to the formula to decrease the force to apply (and thus increase the elasticity of the condom) whenever they feel it is necessary. Other molecules can be added to get different effects.

Therefore, CondomSizeAndFacts has only one advice to give: whenever a producer gives its own instructions for use, concerning the relationship between condom and penis size, follow them. Otherwise, you can use the data collected in this blog to pre-select your concom size. In fine, only trying it will allow a final decision.

Anyway, I spotted some data which look like some inconsistencies: the 64mm condom size is proposed to only 1% of the population, the 69mm one to only 0.02% (a company would not sell products representing 0.02% of its market, unless it reaches its economical lot size)... Either the erect penis girth data are erroneous or there is some important piece of information missing. TheyFit data would shade some light on it, but I am not sure they would be willing to share it.

To conclude, a great tool, a nice success, but a few glitches which deserve to be ironed up... Or better explained!

TheyFit company is certainly one of the best company in the world, thanks to their underlying concept (supply the largest choice of sizes), to their great will to communicate and to participate in the information of the population about the importance to have proper fitting condoms.

They definitely deserve the best possible success.